Surveillance System Installation and services
OVS can help integrators bring systems live. We can also provide remote services to monitor/report on systems that drives recurring revenue to the resellers.

Onsite installation is available
We can get someone onsite to help you with anything you need. (Fees and labor applicable).
Remote assistance via TeamViewer
Most of our systems ship with TeamViewer from the factory. We can remote in to help you learn the platform, or train your staff.
Other Services
Custom Solutions and Consulting
At OVS, we carry a wide variety of best-in-class products to fit your needs – not change them. For government installations, we also offer GSA schedule pricing, which can allow your installs to be on budget according to approved specifications.
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End to End System Design
At OVS, we take the time to learn what are customers plan to accomplish and how they plan to do it. We have both the answers you want and the ones you didn’t think to ask for. We recommend the ideal cameras, recorders, and other equipment to fit your needs.
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System Training (Onsite & Remote)
Any security system is only as effective as the people who use it. At OVS, we offer remote and onsite training to make the latest technology come to life. When the onsite workers understand the system, the entire organization is more secure.
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Not Sure Where to Start?
There are so many ways to set up your system. We provide best-of-breed products in the surveillance marketplace.
Save Time
Professional System design speeds selection and implementation.
Industry Leading Components
Future-proof your investment by getting equipment that meets your needs.